Location: India

Sunday, November 13, 2011

As destined.....
The doctor exclaimed
as I was delivered..
from my mother's womb ..
where I grew protected.

Flowers received,
Blessings showered,
Train of life boarded...
As destined.....

Fumbling all the way,
Fighting the odds to live,
Couple of attempts  succeeded,
Galore of them failed
As destined.....

Walking the labyrinthine corridors of religions,
In search of God who lays claim on my destiny,
Trying to align and not to be an alien,
Questioning everything but not in mutiny....
With the ' I ' which is me,
With an eye unable to see ' ME ',
Gasping to HIS roll and pitch,
Searching colours for my ' unfinished ' sketch,
In this unending saga of ' Lives ' ....
As destined......

Some ' learned ' changed Gods ,
To a better ' Author ' of better ' Destiny ',
Trying to figure which God for what destiny,
Stung by the very thought ...
Aghast I am driven......probably,
As destined.